Is your bore/well producing the water it used to? If not, it may be silted up
Silting in bores and wells can be caused by drawing in dirt, sand and silt from the water bearing zones. Bores and wells can also silt up if there is flooding, depositing dirt and silt down the bottom and blocking off some of the slotted bore/well casing. That can substantially reduce the volume of water entering the borewell.
Silt, sand and gravel can also severely affect most submersible pumps by blocking them up, wearing them out or burning out motors.
Fortunately, most bores and wells can be easily cleaned out using a Brumby XS1, XS1c, or S1-75 pump. The XS1 is the best and most versatile allrounder for gently sucking out any solids up to stones and gravel to around 1/2 inch (1cm) in size. All you need is a regular air compressor, which you might already own or can easily rent or purchase at a local hardware store.
Ready to restore your bore or well's water flow? Order your XS1, XS1c, or S1-75 pump HERE.​
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